I had the absolute previlage of being able to attend the Villa Maria concert in Auckland as the last In Tune with Nature concert for the tour. I also had the honor of meeting Dave and Hayley (for the second time). Here is my report and photos:
"There were THOUSANDS!!! Probably five times more than the people who attended all the other concerts. Even Dave was surprised by the number who turned up. It was unbelievable. The whole time, I was thinking 'how on earth are they going to do signings with this many people??
We had a very distant view, and I can tell you now that despite the beautiful atmosphere, I really, really prefer indoor concerts. I think audiences have a fair distant between them and the performer, because a theater can only be so big. This place was massive, so I couldn't see Hayley's facial expressions or anything. Which was a real shame. But I look forward to more of her concerts later!
Then we had the interval, and then it was Fiona's turn. She was bear-foot! Boy is she FAN-TAS-TIC!!! Her pieces were beautiful, and she was so sweet as well. One of the most talented people I have seen on stage performing.
Then music (violin) started playing, and they announced to welcome Hayley. The music kept playing and Hayley walked onto stage not in her purple outfit, but the red dress she has worn to many events, including the NZ Music Awards. She sang Let Me Lie, which was one of my favorites for the eveing.
Then she sang Shanendoah, then Summerfly, which was fantastic. She had a great time perfoming that! Then May It Be which gave me goosebumps. I think she performed that so much nicer that the on on her album!! Then she sang Sonny on the keyboard (my mom's favorite song) and then she sang Who Painted the Moon Black, and thanked her NZ fans especially, saying she would not have gotten this far if it wasn't for us, which was followed by a huge applause. It got darker, and so did my photos, which was a shame. It was just too far away to get good shots, but I took them anyway. Then it was followed by Both Sides Now, and then Scarborough Fair, which she duetted with Dave. Then she did In Trutina, Sancta Lucia, Prayer, and then Hine e Hine with Dave. Then they sang Welcome Home, and she sang Down to the River to Pray as the encore songs.
By the thought, I had walked closer to the stage, and it was great to see her in a better view. But I kept listening to her, and walked over to the tent and was the first in line with my sister. HUNDREDS followed afterwards, and you wouldn't believe the long lone. She might still be there now!!
So, I waited in line, and then Fiona came along, so I had her sign Hayley's book, and I took a photo with her. Such a lovely woman, she was. And I adored her to bits. I can't wait to see more of here later, I really can't!
Hayley and Dave took very long to come, and we were getting a little impatient, because it had started to drizzle a little, but it was good timing. Hayley and Dave walked through, and Hayley looked over at me - and recognized me at once! Not that me and my headscarf are that hard to remember, mind you , but not only that, she knew my name, and thanked me for the bracelet, loved the gifts to bits.
That was by far the best part of the night. And then my sister got her autograph, and we got photos, and I also said hi to Dave and thanked him for a wonderful night."
Fiona Pears on violin
Hayley and Dave singing Hine e Hine

Hayley performs on stage

Hayley and Dave sing Welcome Home